Slovenská verzia

Mgr. of art Marta Chabadová

Marta Chabadová

She was born in 1950 in Bratislava. During the years 1965-69 she was studying at SŠUP (Secondary School of Applied Arts) at prof. Lugs. From 1970 to 1976 she was studying at Academy of Fine Arts, she was attending a preparatory course at prof.Čemicky and then the department of landscape and figurative painting at prof. Želibský.

Her pictures are placed in private collections, but also in the collections of following art galleries:

  • Orava gallery
  • Gallery of M. A. Bazovský in Trenčín
  • East Slovak Gallery, Košice
  • Municipal Gallery of Bratislava
  • National Gallery, Bratislava
  • Komerz bank, Frankfurt upon Mohan,
  • Austria,
  • USA,
  • European parliament


1989 Painting in architecture - Viera Luxová
  VEDA, publishing house of Slovak Academy of Sciences
1999 Dictionary of Czech and Slovak visual artists 1950-1999 (ch-j)
  Art centre Chagall, Ostrava, 1999
2005 Time in connections - Jirina Divácka, Milan Jankovský
  D+ Gallery Prague, Ivana Slovakia s.r.o., Slovak-Czech club, Bratislava
2006 Calendar SLOVAK ART European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia, Brussels
  Association of Slovak Visual Artists
2006 Time in connections - The graduates of the art schools in Bratislava, Viemia and Budapest
Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague City Council
2007-2008 The Diary, Slovak Fine Arts, Slovak Art Association
2006 Slovak Art, Slovak Fine Art 2006
Information office of the Europian Parliament in Slovakia-Brusels
Slovak Art Association
2008 Art School — Jozef Vydra's School of Commertial Fine Art
2009 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, 1949-2009
2010 Self-portrait in Slovak visual art of the 20th century, author: Viera Rusinova
2017 Bratislavská Šupka – Hommage a Jozef Brimich

TV gallery, video

2003/2004  Gallery design - (Marta Chabadová-painting)
  Slovak Television
2005 Slovak radio - Bratislava
2006 Slovak TV - Non- celebrities, Bratislava
2007 The Old Town TV-Bratislava
Individual exhibition-Galery F7
2008 The First Special Price of the International Professional Review EX AEQUO together with
2011 Slovak television - Non-celebrities, rerun Bratislava
2012 Slovak television - Non-celebrities, rerun Bratislava
RTVS - Individual exhibition, Bratislava

Prices and rewards 

2004 price GUIRA with a plaquette
  at the international festival of fine arts in PORTO SANT ELPIDIO, Italy
2005 special prize LINEA ORO
  at the international festival "Premio Citta di Sant Elpidio", Italy
2008 first special prize of the international critiques EX AEQUO with a ceremonial cup PORTO SANT ELPIDIO, Italy
2010 the first prize of international jury 1 PREMIO SPECIALE DELLA GIURA at the international festival PERLA DELL ADRIATICO, Municipal art gallery in Grottammare, Italy
  (Artem gallery)

